Episode 038 Leverage Your Strengths To Create Greatness with Darren Virassammy
Guest Bio
Darren Virassammy is the Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer of 34 Strong, comprised of a team that believes everyone deserves a great place to work and that any workplace can be great. A leading expert in the global employee engagement community, the 34 Strong team leverages the Strengths-Based approach to human development to create massive shifts within organizations, both culturally and on the bottom line. He and his team have created sustainable change in small microbusinesses, all the way up to large organizational teams at the FDA, Bank of America, American Licorice and The California Department of Public Health. Recently, Darren has keynoted for Hitachi Global Women’s Conference, The Rotary World Peace Conference, The Professional Grounds Management Society, and Author Mike Michalowicz’ Profit Con (where he also closed down the conference by performing a solo bass guitar piece he composed titled Metamorphosisas a tribute to the journey of entrepreneurs) Darren’s 34 Strong Business partner, Brandon Miller is the co-Author (with his wife Analyn Miller) of a Strengths-Based Parenting book titled: Play to Their Strengths due out in July of 2019.
Episode Summery
So for many entrepreneurs it feels more natural to focus on what is wrong more often than what it right because what is wrong is what gets attention. It is why many entrepreneurs and business owners tend to fall into the trap of putting out daily fires in their business and don’t often take the time to really look at all the areas that are going right and that they are strong. And really and truly, it is going to be focussing on your strengths and the strengths of those around you that will take your business to that next level and my guest today is here to share his expertise on how we can do just that.
Items mentioned in this episode:
Click the link for Darren’s FREE gift to all of you – Grind. Greatness. Genius
This amazing tool will help you identify what are the things you are doing that are in your grind zone, greatness zone and genius zone.
34 Strong website – : www.34strong.com
Check out one of Darren’s talks: Creating Excellence Through Strengths (My keynote talk from Profit Con 2018):
This episode is sponsored by my FREE Cash Flow Clarity Bundle