Meet Jennifer
Hey! It’s Jennifer again, and I’m glad you’re here, because it seems we have a few things in common. I know first-hand the cash flow challenges faced by a family business. Years ago, I withered under the stress of not knowing where the cash was going--it surely wasn’t ending up on my pay stub! Under such conditions, you can’t help but worry, but your worry vibe makes it harder for your to move your goods and sell your services, so things get worse. And the worse things get, the more difficult it is to admit that’s what’s happening. But hey: you’re here now, so that’s about to change.
Let me go out on a limb here and bet that you didn’t start your business because, deep down, you wanted more numbers to crunch. Believe it or not, that’s exactly what I did. I earned my MBA because I love numbers, and I love the looks on my clients’ faces when their numbers add up. Their eyes get bigger, they exhale, and that little forehead crease above their glasses disappears.
With financial fluency and a profit plan in place, life is better. The workday ends before dark. You read longer bedtime stories. You make reservations with friends at swanky joints--and you keep them. You sleep through the night. You celebrate the weekend.
With J2H (which is short for Jennifer Juguilon-Hottle), I work as a business coach and a certified profit strategist, and I teach MBA courses and host the Crush Your Journey podcast. I also do speaking gigs at numerous business seminars and conferences. My happy tasks include working with brilliant, number-challenged entrepreneurs to develop:
- their financial fluency
- profit-first clarity about their goals, and
- a blueprint for their dreams
I work one-on-one with my clients on effective and sustainable cash flow management, and support their efforts by delivering supplemental educational tools and resources.
Full disclosure: not every workday of mine ends when the sun goes down. But when they do, and on the weekends, I set my phone aside and celebrate the daily blessings of the rascals pictured above, as well as the love and support from my husband, which makes my own journey so worthwhile. My plan is to leave my kids a legacy that allows them to be whatever they want to be, do whatever they want to do and, once they learn the rules, break them in beautiful ways.
You’re still here. That’s great, and it’s a good sign you’re ready for this journey.
Let’s make certain we’re a good match.
I’m glad our paths have crossed, and I look forward to comparing notes with you about our respective journeys as entrepreneurs. And I’m happy to go first.
After my successful stint with a lemonade stand (my kids now run the franchise), I earned degrees from the Ohio State University (BA) and Cleveland State University (MBA), as well as certification as a Profit First Coach. Along the way, I built successful businesses in medicine, independent film production, video game development, and digital marketing. Strategic planning, market research, and accounting? Yep. I did that.
Today, I share key lessons on entrepreneurship as an adjunct professor at Baldwin Wallace University, on my podcast, as a keynote speaker, and in one-on-one consultations with my clients. I’m excited to report that, with the help of my own business coach, I’m preparing a web-based course on achieving sustainable profitability and positive cashflow. (Yes: this business coach has a business coach, and I’m not about to go it alone again anytime soon.)
That’s my journey (so far). I hope to learn more about yours sometime soon, and invite you to click here to ensure we stay connected.